From League of Women Voters via City Clerk
From: Vicky Coccoluto []
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 6:18 AM
To: Ed Finn; Janice Joyce
Cc: Nicholas Kain; Timothy Klein; Susan Woodward
Subject: Voter registration at Medford HS - Friday, February 26 -10:30-12:30
Good Morning,
note is to confirm with you the time and place of the high school voter
registration at Medford High one week from today. The tables and chairs
will be
set up in the hallway outside Cafeteria 2
(second floor) and the activity will take place during two lunch
periods, the first beginning at 10:50, and the second ending at 12:30
fellow League member, Susan Woodward, and I met with Nick Kain (lead
Social Studies teacher) and Tim Klein, Counselor, a week ago to discuss
arrangements; the principal, Nick Tucci, also introduced himself,
and they are all enthusiastic about registering eligible students.
There will be an earlier Mock Presidential Debate from 9 to 10 in the
Auditorium at a separate location. We have emphasized that there is no
display of any partisanship whatsoever connected
with the voter registration itself (on a different floor and in the
separate wing) and everyone is completely on board with that.
are about 300 seniors in the high school class, and a number of them
have registered at a fall event or independently. Please ask the
attendees from your office to bring a
sufficient number of paper registration forms--I'm guessing 150 or 200 would be quite adequate, but leave it to your judgment. There
will be laptop computers available for students who would wish to
register online
instead. Mr. Fahey has indicated you may wish to "early register"
16-17 year-olds via the paper forms as well and process them later when
time-appropriate. However, early registration
online doesn't start up until next August, as I understand the calendar.
We plan
to have 3-4 volunteers from the League of Women Voters to assist with
registration, and some student volunteers as well, but will very much
appreciate your professional help when any tricky questions
come up! I'm suggesting a 10:30 arrival time to get oriented before the student crowd arrives.
You are
probably familiar with the arrival sequence at the High School.
Everyone checks in with the reception desk at the Main Entrance, and a
photo ID is required. They will direct our group to the location
of the voter registration.
forward this message to Mr. Thomas Fahey, with whom I've enjoyed conversations and hope he will join us.
Every person I've spoken to in the Medford Town Clerk's office has been very helpful and pleasant -- thank you!
I hope
this addresses most of the questions you may have. Do not hesitate to
email me at or call me at 781-729-9313 with
anything not covered in this note.
Thank you for your help in this voter registration drive -- it's a busy season!
Vicky Coccoluto
League of Women Voters of Winchester