Thursday, February 18, 2016


620,413 @ 4:17 pm
620,329 @3:53 pm

Sent out to the media


For Immediate Release:

At 1:03 pm today my news outlet broke the story of Attorney Teresa Walsh no longer employed at Medford City Hall.

At 2:00 pm Stephanie Muccini-Burke, 57 minutes late and the residents now $106,420 dollars short because of Mrs. Burke's big blunder, with no one to replace Attorney Teresa Walsh as Chief of Staff, sends a memo out to her staff.

1:03 pm I break the story
2:00 pm  Mrs. Burke follows the leader and tells her staff what my readers already know
2:58 pm the Medford Transcript goes on my story after I tipped Ruppenthal off on Facebook

Now he's blocked me on Facebook and Mayor Burke is spinning some yarn that has about as much credibility as Muccini-Burke has qualifications to be mayor.

Got that, residents?  Incompetent City Hall doesn't even tell the staff until I publish the information on my Facebook and News magazine sites.  Until I phoned City Hall.

Allegedly, Walsh was LOCKED OUT of her office and couldn't even get her belongings.  All sorts of speculation that Walsh may have stumbled on to something that City Hall does NOT want to disclose. You can see in their failure to properly respond to public records requests that something is up.

So while Roy Belson and Mark Rumley are engaging in their highly questionable political tricks, we are working hard to give you the transparency that city hall doesn't want you to have.

I tipped off Alex Ruppenthal of the Medford Transcript and he goes on the story at 2:58 pm, however, instead of a thank you Alex blocks my Facebook page and someone disables my comments on the Transcript story.

Some terrific stories were written on music for the Transcript by this author, but you are deprived of my hard work and honest efforts due to professional jealousy and the Transcript's too-close ties to City Hall.

I ask Nell Coakley to hand in her resignation so that Belson, Rumley, Mayor Burke and Police Chief Sacco can follow her lead.

Until then, we residents are being deprived of information.

This story on Teresa Walsh is HUGE.  The Mayor loses her chief of staff six weeks in to her Administration.

Who is Attorney Teresa Walsh?
A career litigator, Teresa has applied her trial and appellate experience in teaching Civil Procedure I, II and appellate advocacy at law school. Teresa received a B.A. degree in Political Science and International Relations from Tufts University, Medford, MA; an MSc degree from The London School of Economics and Political Science, [University of London, U.K.]; and a J.D. from Boston College Law School, Newton, MA. Her research interests include constitutional law, election law and electoral integrity.

There is more to come on this story.   It is a BLOCKBUSTER story and you can bet that Mrs. Burke is at the proverbial spin machine right now because this fumble is a big black eye on the woman that this writer believes is not fit to be mayor.

Stay tuned.

Joe Viglione  

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