Sunday, June 11, 2017

City Council Causes Suicide; Transcript Involved

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The Norman City Council is purportedly responsible for the suicide of an HIV positive gay male.

Zach Harrington, 19, killed himself at his home Oct. 5, 2010, a week after anti-gay sentiments were expressed at the Sept. 28 council meeting. Some residents and Harrington's family members have said they think the anti-gay remarks (from the Norman City Council) may have contributed to Harrington's death.

The Norman Transcript refused to publish story.

Norman city councilman responds to anti-gay allegations

 — City Councilman Dave Spaulding called a constituent's remarks that he is anti-gay and lacks compassion for the homeless “pure garbage.”
Spaulding said he has compassion for both segments of the population, although he does not support a homosexual lifestyle or believe in government money going to charity