Sunday, February 14, 2016

Bipolar Solicitor needs to go

616,200@3:24 pm

The look on the Solicitor's face was of unwarranted anger.   Why were there three police
officers at city hall?  To intimidate us when we were exercising our First Amendment rights at a meeting of the Medford City Council.

Mr. First Amendment, Mark Rumley, was angry with me with those same "eyes of harassment" that he gave me at the Dawn Natalia trial when he saw me sitting in the back of the court.  Rumley came up to me and intimidated this witness by giving me the evil eye.  It was nasty, and when it comes from a powerful man in a position of authority (in a case where I prevailed,) I took it as a threat and the intimidation of this witness.

The private bill collector (on company time??) makes Jekyll and Hyde look like Bambi

I believe that he is retaliating against me for my variety of public records requests. 

City Hall is criminally harassing me.