Thursday, June 15, 2017

Is the FBI investigating the Police Chief and School Superintendent over Varsity Coach Scandal?????

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People who want the real news about Medford, Massachusetts read Medford Info Central Dot Com!!!!


The rumors swirling around the alleged four investigations into Medford Police Department's  purported misconduct has taken an even deeper turn.

Confidential sources, plural, tell us that the chief of police, Leo A. Sacco, Jr. ( whose son Joseph Sacco had his gun and truck taken away from him in January of 2017, a relative needed to drive Joe Sacco home) confidential sources telling us that the multiple "vacations" Sacco has gone off on were allegedly not by choice.

As a department head in Medford, Sacco's mysterious vacation spree suggests that - and this is the personal theory of your editor based on information and belief - after the Stephen Lebert debacle and the fizzled (purported) smear campaign against the victim, Malden resident Michael A. Coates, the alleged "sins of Sacco" came tumbling out in a torrent:

---smearing multiple victims either to the press or in whisper campaigns*

*A good source, one smeared in the press by Sacco, informed me that he considered this journalist a "nut"   Hmmmm... didn't Donald Trump also say that about James Comey - to the Russians?  Thing is, I was called a "nut" allegedly by Sacco before Trump called the former director of the FBI the same thing. We've got THAT in common...but - all due respect, Mr. Comey, I was reportedly called a nut before you!!!  

**Marjorie McMillan and others came forward, and the pattern of abuse of victims or those who complain to the Chief became very clear.  You can see a previous story on the pattern in this publication. Just do a Google search on the Chief and Medford Info Central

---a bevy of bad boy conduct by Greg Hudson, Miguel Lopez, Shawn Norton, James Lee, Shawn Hughes, Stephen Lebert, uggghhhh....
not good when, as Harry Truman says, "the buck stops here."  Chief Sacco didn't seem to get the memo from Harry Truman, did he?

---the ridiculous pandering to Captain Al Doherty after the devastating 5 Investigates story

5 Investigates: Medford city employee earns $211 K ... - WCVB Boston
Feb 17, 2015 - Alan Doherty is the commander of the field services division of the ... That's more than the police chief who earns $168,673.25 and even the ...'

What could be happening is that in the alleged FBI investigation of a former mayor could have touched upon all the former mayor's known associates - Chief Sacco, Superintendent Belson, the former mayor's ties to the late James V. DiPaola, specifically because all displayed a most transparent pattern, a pattern made more transparent by the lack of transparency offered by that long-term mayor and those aforementioned "known associates" that his long tentacles reached out and touched...

Our investigation into the reports of the multiple investigations said to be going on at the Medford Police Department will continue.

*We do not know who is doing the investigating - if it is internal affairs or another agency outside of the city. What IS part of the rumor mill is that two of the four alleged "investigations" are being handled by the office of the Attorney General.

Since the AG appears to be oh so very tight with Stephanie Muccini-Burke, one wonders how this will all play out.   Public safety over party? Let's hope Maura gets this right because Marian certainly did not!

It's time that the citizens of this municipality got to see what is under those slimy rocks in Medford city government that have hidden so many creepy alleged activities for decade after decade after decade.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, but the rumor of FOUR alleged investigations into the Medford  

Police Department, something that is supposed to be so very "hush hush" (if it is so hush hush, and if true, how the heck did this publication find out about it - and - more importantly - who else knows?) 

...and why is Police Chief Leo A. Sacco, Jr. allegedly on vacation after vacation after vacation?

...and if one of the investigations, according to our confidential sources,  is about sexual misconduct at the police department, what does that say about the allegation of the massive cover-up of the alleged VCS - Varsity Coach Scandal, which is reportedly how the guilty parties have dubbed it...VCS = Varsity Coach Scandal.

Let's just say when the superintendent saw me yesterday he was most unpleasant and not as inviting as he was in November of 2016.

Of course in November this writer was ON TRIAL for trumped up false charges and by June of 2017 the journalist again DEFEATED the infidels (found INNOCENT of phony charges 1/31/17,) which, of course, would make the superintendent not a very happy camper.

Stay tuned, this story is ballooning at a rate we've not seen before...kinda like the way Trump's troubles are compounded by his own arrogance and sense of entitlement.

The parallels are easy to spot - Washington is the macrocosm to the lunacy in Medford city government, the microcosm.

Why else would city hall be so obsessed with this blog?  We were correct about Teresa Walsh before ANYONE knew she was out of Burke's good graces, we were right about ALL the other exiles who left Medford City Hall, and we have been 1000% right about access TV.

Again, these are allegations from multiple sources, and some of this writer's theories based on information and belief.

It's going to take a Fox 25 or Channel 5 or Channel 7 to rip the whole thing wide open.