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City Hall smears private citizens the way Muccini-Burke smeared her opponent.
That's the M.O. of Medford City Hall
My good friend, the late Patrick F., took images of the North End of Boston, took photos of the school, and was harassed and humiliated for exercising his First Amendment right, harassed by the bullies at TV3, harassed by city hall, and my belief is that he was harassed by Nell Escobar Coakley - long time editor of the Medford Transcript.
When Pat was talking about the Eastern Bank and that putting it in a supermarket parking lot was extreme upending of the scenery, I walked up to Pat at the City Council podium and said "We have bigger fish to fry; let us choose our battles."
For the first time, Mr. F. walked away from the podium, agreeing with me. You would think that I parted the sea like Moses
public domain
"Crossing of the Red Sea", Nicholas Poussin
In ‘The Ten
Commandments,’ Charlton Heston as Moses parted the sea into two huge
walls of water, between which the children of Israel crossed on a
temporarily dry seabed to the opposite shore.
Everett Collection
But what was Nell Coakley's snide and unseemly comment to me about the old man she should have had more respect for ?
"Alzheimer's patients tend to focus on one person and listen to them."
"Alzheimer's patients tend to focus on one person and listen to them."
Nonsense. Pat had slight Alzheimer's when he was starting to fade, but he was coherent and clear when speaking to me, so Ms. Coakley's excuse was downright mean and cruel to a resident she's required to serve vis-a-vis her alleged status as an objective, neutral journalist.
What a hypocrite.
Mark Rumley and Paul Camuso, trying to silence my free speech at the City Council, both criminally harassed me calling me by the name of my late friend. Camuso said "Pat Fxxxxx" and Rumley, shame on him, responded, nodding in agreement aimed at me, "Pat Fxxxx."
My dear, sweet Aunt JXXXX died of Alzheimer's, and Rumley has investigated and knows more about me than I know about myself, so for him to kick that low, for the Medford City Solicitor to strike a low blow and go after me and my family like that was cruelty beyond cruelty, which I intend to fully explain in a court of law.
In the Dawn Natalia case in Superior Court, circa November 2011, Mr. Rumley knew I was a witness, and he came at me while I was sitting in the back row and glared at me the eyes of death. It was chilling. I considered it a threat at the time that I had better shut my mouth.
Rumley told the judge that my blog was delusional (and, by extension, he was calling me delusional) just as he had attacked me (and my extension, my late aunty) with his crack about a man they were exploiting and harassing, that they said had Alzheimer's.
Mr. Rumley brags that he has one set of values, but his actions speak much louder than his words and display that he has a much different set of values, a much lower standard for himself, a much higher standard for you and me.
His arrogance is only matched by the brutality of his attacks on me over the past decade plus when I went to that individual for help with TV3.
So when Rumley comes at me with malice, I respond with lampooning him and what an insufferable buffoon he is. And Rumley cries criminal harassment when malice is one of the elements for criminal harassment and when it is Rumley who has displayed malice while Rumley himself proclaims that I respond with "delusions."
________________________________ Hypocrites want it both ways. So I'm "delusional" (which I take as a slight against my aunty as well as me,) when it serves Rumley's underhanded, nefarious purposes, and then he claims those delusions are "malicious?" But he told a judge, in a court of law, these were the delusions of a man no one listens to.
______________________________ Until he saw Six Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Page Views chilling him that his censorship tactics were not working; that his reprehensible abuse of our right to access TV was backfiring on him, so the horse's ass city solicitor (and that's a lampoon, not malice) makes this declaration in front of a retired judge:
City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury on or about Nov. 16, 2008 (quoted from the 2nd Judge Jackson-Thompson hearing) saying:
“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.”
The problem again for Mr. Rumley is that all of his misdeeds and wrongful conduct show his true political belief system as city solicitor to be diametrically opposed to his statement to a retired judge.
He's a hypocrite derelict in his duties and using his powerful long-term as city lawyer to bully and emotionally distress residents. It is huge abuse of power and it is absolutely wrong.
But when you point this out eloquently and without malice, RUMLEY TAKES THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT and ARGUES LIES the way he bashed and beat up Robert Penta regarding the alleged conflict Mrs. Baker had, and then allegedly backtracks privately what the hypocrite Rumley maliciously said publicly.
Rumley is the one with malice in his heart, but he takes his own malice and deflects it on you when all you are saying is that the guy is a charlatan, a liar and a bully.
When Councilor Michael Marks had the guts to call Lauren DiLorenzo and Mark Rumley "the Mayor's henchmen," Mr. Free Speech Rumley got all "Paul pissy pants" on us (I AFFECTIONATELY say that referencing how TV3 attacked Rep Paul Donato; and lovingly say to Mr. Donato that I was horrified by their calling my state rep that because we were very friendly at the time. Mr. Donato phoned me and said "Hi Joe, it's Paul Pissy Pants." I said "Paul, that's horrible." But he passed it off as a laugh at the reprobates who weren't fit to shine his shoes, and still aren't. Paul didn't take it to heart. Because my old friend Paul Donato is ten times the man Rumley will ever be.)
The punchline? TV3 also called Mark Rumley something in that blog calling Mr. Donato that crude name. Coupled with TV3's malicious Chumley Report, why did Mark Rumley never threaten to sue Harvey Alberg over the vicious comments made, or Ron DeLucia?
Because Mr. Rumley is a coward and a hypocrite. He would do the community a service by going after them and he knows it.
Rumley does the community a disservice when he beats up on one man. Because that is what bullies do. They beat up on the weaker, they abuse their position in the city...(put Rumley's fake sobs here about his job he was conducting at Somerville District Court) because he is ANGRY at this writer for alerting the citizens to the fact that Rumley may have been moonlighting at Somerville District Court as a bill collector for credit card companies, on Thursdays, when the citizens needed Rumley at his place of business.
That is why Rumley is pointing something a little more powerful than a water pistol at me to try to shut me up.
They want me dead. They know how vulnerable this writer is during a traumatic time in my life and they pile it on like the vulgar vultures that they are, menacing and preying on the week, trying to shut us up because the public records requests might reveal more than they want us to know.
They want me dead. Chief Sacco wishes I would just die and stop exposing the police department. Rumley wants me dead, and a superior court clerk, husband of Stephanie Muccini-Burke, called me a motherfucker in public, on October 15th, at the Chevalier, and Rumley did nothing about it.
Heck, I had the Dalai Lama bidding on an upside down statue of Paul Donato in a parody and Mr. Donato never threatened to sue me over it.
Because it was funny, it was a joke, and it was hardly religious discrimination, it was a lampoon from a creative genius who clearly has an audience that finds my brand of humor refreshing.
Do you think Johnny Granara didn't laugh when I painted him as the Virgin Mary with a wool cap on, his oxygen tank as Jesus, and Dr. Wood rattling his cane menacingly at the students?
Now why would a Catholic/Christian, like me, who goes to a protestant church (the double religious whammy!) make fun of a painting and a statue?
Because if you adhere to the Bible, Jesus was not fond of false idols and graven images. The Jesus I know and love knocked tables of the money changers over in the temple and Moses was furious about the golden calf.
SO, if the Pieta, which I love, and witnessed in person at the New York World' Fair when I was about ten years of age, if the Pieta happened to be a statue of Buddah and a sacred book, it is STILL A STATUE. It is not God, it is not the word of God, it is the work of man.
It may remind us of God, but so does the sunlight and so do the trees in bloom and so does the car driving by on Salem Street.
So one day Rumley is beyond angry at Councilor Michael Marks yelling like some juvenile delinquent on the government channel - "BRING IT ON" - to Mr. Marks, showing an immaturity I do not want in a city solicitor...oh my! Mr. Free Speech is insulted that he is called "The Mayor's Henchman." IN my opinion, truer words were never spoken.
And then another episode nd the next ...Rumley is up there with his histrionics on that 2nd hand Boston Ave store, Online Sales with his oh so typical Mark Rumley bravado "today is a great day for Medford" or whatever...
oh shut up you blowhard and just put that individual out of business. Do your job, don't get all egotistical and shout from the steeples when you should have been more proactive and had kept a closer eye on Online Sales to begin with.
Like George W. Bush with the bullhorn capitalizing on a disaster Bush should have prevented.
Where Bush should have been impeached over the 9/11 debacle, standing over the bodies of 3,000 of our citizens after he stole the first of two elections, he smugly stumbles and stutters "Who will keep you safe?"
Not George W. Bush, and certainly not Mark E. Rumley
But for Rumley it is HIS show. He is the star of the show, and when Rumley doesn't work hard for a Johnny Byers to have a sports show or a Pat F to have his Golden Memories, Mr. Rumley is taking candy from babies, because that's what bullies do.
Watch out Michael Ruggiero when you drive your baby carriage around town, the city solicitor might stick his hand under the blanket and try to grab the lollipop. Hopefully, when the blanked is pulled slightly down and Rumley's hand is there, the baby in the carriage, Fred Dello Russo Jr., will bite the City Malicitor hard.
That's called parody. That's a lampoon.
And you know you just had a good laugh at their expense.
He says he has one set of values, but his actions show another set of values.
What about the healing physician in The Scarlet Letter: Hawthorne is also tacitly criticizing Chillingworth for him doing the same; publicly pretending to be the healing physician, but privately doing just the opposite.
― Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter
City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury on or about Nov. 16, 2008 (quoted from the 2nd Judge Jackson-Thompson hearing) saying:
“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.”
A betting man would put his money on Hawthorne's words standing the test of time.
Mark E. Rumley needs to give us the financial records on MCC TV3 that he promised.
He is investing time in trying to shut me up, and that is not his job. Rumley's job, actually, is to protect me from the forces who want to shut this webpage down and silence me.
In the Dawn Natalia case in Superior Court, circa November 2011, Mr. Rumley knew I was a witness, and he came at me while I was sitting in the back row and glared at me the eyes of death. It was chilling. I considered it a threat at the time that I had better shut my mouth.
Rumley told the judge that my blog was delusional (and, by extension, he was calling me delusional) just as he had attacked me (and my extension, my late aunty) with his crack about a man they were exploiting and harassing, that they said had Alzheimer's.
Mr. Rumley brags that he has one set of values, but his actions speak much louder than his words and display that he has a much different set of values, a much lower standard for himself, a much higher standard for you and me.
His arrogance is only matched by the brutality of his attacks on me over the past decade plus when I went to that individual for help with TV3.
So when Rumley comes at me with malice, I respond with lampooning him and what an insufferable buffoon he is. And Rumley cries criminal harassment when malice is one of the elements for criminal harassment and when it is Rumley who has displayed malice while Rumley himself proclaims that I respond with "delusions."
________________________________ Hypocrites want it both ways. So I'm "delusional" (which I take as a slight against my aunty as well as me,) when it serves Rumley's underhanded, nefarious purposes, and then he claims those delusions are "malicious?" But he told a judge, in a court of law, these were the delusions of a man no one listens to.
______________________________ Until he saw Six Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Page Views chilling him that his censorship tactics were not working; that his reprehensible abuse of our right to access TV was backfiring on him, so the horse's ass city solicitor (and that's a lampoon, not malice) makes this declaration in front of a retired judge:
City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury on or about Nov. 16, 2008 (quoted from the 2nd Judge Jackson-Thompson hearing) saying:
“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.”
He's a hypocrite derelict in his duties and using his powerful long-term as city lawyer to bully and emotionally distress residents. It is huge abuse of power and it is absolutely wrong.
But when you point this out eloquently and without malice, RUMLEY TAKES THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT and ARGUES LIES the way he bashed and beat up Robert Penta regarding the alleged conflict Mrs. Baker had, and then allegedly backtracks privately what the hypocrite Rumley maliciously said publicly.
Rumley is the one with malice in his heart, but he takes his own malice and deflects it on you when all you are saying is that the guy is a charlatan, a liar and a bully.
When Councilor Michael Marks had the guts to call Lauren DiLorenzo and Mark Rumley "the Mayor's henchmen," Mr. Free Speech Rumley got all "Paul pissy pants" on us (I AFFECTIONATELY say that referencing how TV3 attacked Rep Paul Donato; and lovingly say to Mr. Donato that I was horrified by their calling my state rep that because we were very friendly at the time. Mr. Donato phoned me and said "Hi Joe, it's Paul Pissy Pants." I said "Paul, that's horrible." But he passed it off as a laugh at the reprobates who weren't fit to shine his shoes, and still aren't. Paul didn't take it to heart. Because my old friend Paul Donato is ten times the man Rumley will ever be.)
The punchline? TV3 also called Mark Rumley something in that blog calling Mr. Donato that crude name. Coupled with TV3's malicious Chumley Report, why did Mark Rumley never threaten to sue Harvey Alberg over the vicious comments made, or Ron DeLucia?
Because Mr. Rumley is a coward and a hypocrite. He would do the community a service by going after them and he knows it.
Rumley does the community a disservice when he beats up on one man. Because that is what bullies do. They beat up on the weaker, they abuse their position in the city...(put Rumley's fake sobs here about his job he was conducting at Somerville District Court) because he is ANGRY at this writer for alerting the citizens to the fact that Rumley may have been moonlighting at Somerville District Court as a bill collector for credit card companies, on Thursdays, when the citizens needed Rumley at his place of business.
That is why Rumley is pointing something a little more powerful than a water pistol at me to try to shut me up.
They want me dead. They know how vulnerable this writer is during a traumatic time in my life and they pile it on like the vulgar vultures that they are, menacing and preying on the week, trying to shut us up because the public records requests might reveal more than they want us to know.
They want me dead. Chief Sacco wishes I would just die and stop exposing the police department. Rumley wants me dead, and a superior court clerk, husband of Stephanie Muccini-Burke, called me a motherfucker in public, on October 15th, at the Chevalier, and Rumley did nothing about it.
Heck, I had the Dalai Lama bidding on an upside down statue of Paul Donato in a parody and Mr. Donato never threatened to sue me over it.
Because it was funny, it was a joke, and it was hardly religious discrimination, it was a lampoon from a creative genius who clearly has an audience that finds my brand of humor refreshing.
Do you think Johnny Granara didn't laugh when I painted him as the Virgin Mary with a wool cap on, his oxygen tank as Jesus, and Dr. Wood rattling his cane menacingly at the students?
Now why would a Catholic/Christian, like me, who goes to a protestant church (the double religious whammy!) make fun of a painting and a statue?
Because if you adhere to the Bible, Jesus was not fond of false idols and graven images. The Jesus I know and love knocked tables of the money changers over in the temple and Moses was furious about the golden calf.
SO, if the Pieta, which I love, and witnessed in person at the New York World' Fair when I was about ten years of age, if the Pieta happened to be a statue of Buddah and a sacred book, it is STILL A STATUE. It is not God, it is not the word of God, it is the work of man.
It may remind us of God, but so does the sunlight and so do the trees in bloom and so does the car driving by on Salem Street.
So one day Rumley is beyond angry at Councilor Michael Marks yelling like some juvenile delinquent on the government channel - "BRING IT ON" - to Mr. Marks, showing an immaturity I do not want in a city solicitor...oh my! Mr. Free Speech is insulted that he is called "The Mayor's Henchman." IN my opinion, truer words were never spoken.
And then another episode nd the next ...Rumley is up there with his histrionics on that 2nd hand Boston Ave store, Online Sales with his oh so typical Mark Rumley bravado "today is a great day for Medford" or whatever...
oh shut up you blowhard and just put that individual out of business. Do your job, don't get all egotistical and shout from the steeples when you should have been more proactive and had kept a closer eye on Online Sales to begin with.
Like George W. Bush with the bullhorn capitalizing on a disaster Bush should have prevented.
Where Bush should have been impeached over the 9/11 debacle, standing over the bodies of 3,000 of our citizens after he stole the first of two elections, he smugly stumbles and stutters "Who will keep you safe?"
Not George W. Bush, and certainly not Mark E. Rumley
But for Rumley it is HIS show. He is the star of the show, and when Rumley doesn't work hard for a Johnny Byers to have a sports show or a Pat F to have his Golden Memories, Mr. Rumley is taking candy from babies, because that's what bullies do.
Watch out Michael Ruggiero when you drive your baby carriage around town, the city solicitor might stick his hand under the blanket and try to grab the lollipop. Hopefully, when the blanked is pulled slightly down and Rumley's hand is there, the baby in the carriage, Fred Dello Russo Jr., will bite the City Malicitor hard.
That's called parody. That's a lampoon.
And you know you just had a good laugh at their expense.
He says he has one set of values, but his actions show another set of values.
What about the healing physician in The Scarlet Letter: Hawthorne is also tacitly criticizing Chillingworth for him doing the same; publicly pretending to be the healing physician, but privately doing just the opposite.

“No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.” Nathaniel Hawthorne
― Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter
City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury on or about Nov. 16, 2008 (quoted from the 2nd Judge Jackson-Thompson hearing) saying:
“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.”
A betting man would put his money on Hawthorne's words standing the test of time.
Mark E. Rumley needs to give us the financial records on MCC TV3 that he promised.
He is investing time in trying to shut me up, and that is not his job. Rumley's job, actually, is to protect me from the forces who want to shut this webpage down and silence me.
The city isn't pretty under Muccini-Burke
And now, something that will make you vomit,
the city under Muccini-Burke, litter, litter everywhere...
The streets on Sunday, February 21, 2016
image 5485 @ 5:12 pm
Feb 18, 2016
Feb 16, 2016
Feb 16, 2016
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Feb 19, 2016
7:11 pm