Thursday, March 2, 2017

Caraviello's (Parody) Appeal

All rise

Court is now in session...and coming to an access TV station near you:

Judge John Byers: Mr. Caraviello,

You falsely claim intimidation.  In going through your motion I see that the editor has:

---called himself "an old fag"

---says the city solicitor has "unclean hands, is deceitful, a bully, a liar, disingenuous, duplicitous...

---calls you a mean, rotten S.O.B., not fit to be cleaning the chairs in Alden Chambers let alone be council president

Caraviello: Yes, your honor - you can see a clear pattern of malice, hatred, a fixation on my stunning physique

Judge: Mr. Caraviello, I do find something problematic.

Rick F. Caraviello: Well it's about time.  Please tell us all your findings.

Judge Byers;  I find the use of the word "delusional" on his blog problematic.

Rick F. Caraviello:  Yes, the City Solicitor and Judge Danny in the fat-fanny Dawn Natalia case both ruled the blog delusional.

Judge Byers:  Well, all I can see are facts, no delusions.   He calls himself some old homo, he calls the solicitor a two-faced liar, and he calls you grossly overweight - which I can see that you are - and describes in great detail your multitude of sins vis-a-vis your intimidation tactics on Nov. 3, 2015 at the VFW a month before you built your phony case, and your intimidation of a witness - HIM - at a restaurant near Route 16 ten days before the vular trial that you lost.  

Where are the delusions???

Case Dismissed.

Bailiff, take Mr. Caraviello into custody for filing a false police report, lying under oath, being grossly overweight and certain other situations involving a certain entity on Riverside Ave we shall take up at another court hearing.