Thursday, March 2, 2017

Pt 1 - EDITOR asks for meeting with Mayor Muccini-Burke

Oh I'm sure we'll have a meeting...just not sure if the unbelievably cowardly mayor will show up!

I'll be waiting at Bocelli's, Regina's, Carroll's...Demet's ...will she show up?

"Oh,'s Stephanie...I was at Dunkin Donuts on Commercial...didn't you get the memo?

JV: "Oh, Stephanie, you would never drive your car on treacherous Commercial St., tell the truth now...

Stephanie: OK, OK, I'm at an Al Anon meeting

JV: Your husband?

Stephanie: No, no, no...a fat, waddling butcher seems to have fallen off the wagon and as Mayor, boy do I need Al Anon with that piece of work...

JV: No doubt!