Sunday, March 5, 2017

General Laws Part I Title XVI Chapter 112 Section 5 Search Search the Legislature General Laws

MEDFORD CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT advises Lawyer who defeated him in a court of law to give the victorious client "medical attention" 

The client goes to a church that does not prescribe to medicines or drugs.    The Council President's "prescription" to get medical attention could have resulted in unwanted side effects when taken with the abuse the Council "President" Richard F. Caraviello exacted on a citizen the thin-skinned councilor loathes.


---------- Original Message ----------
From: Mark Rumley <>
To: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Rick Caraviello <>, Rick Caraviello <>, Councillor Paul Camuso <>
Date: February 26, 2017 at 8:15 PM

As always, I will *pray that your client seek the help that, in my opinion, he so clearly needs.

Best Regards,

Mark Rumley

Sent from my iPhone
(Editor's note:   I am offended when a City Solicitor makes a comment about "seek the help" - which is most likely "MEDICAL HELP" (see alleged client Rick Caraviello's follow-up e mail for a more specific and detailed use of the word "medical" (help -or - attention.)

You are correct that his attorney should advise him to seek some medical attention.

They both know the victim who prevailed over Caraviello goes to a church that does not prescribe to medicines, though the choice is the churchgoers. 

I am considering filing with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination regarding this.

The editor politely requested that Mark E. Rumley NOT use his CITY - taxpayer funded - e mail on a church website.  Rumley was asked by a citizen to use GMAIL so we have a separation of church and state.

Mr. Rumley's reference of "pray" and "seek the help" (which Caraviello's notes in the next e mail is absolutely medical help) is not only libelous, it is an infringement on my right to be both a Catholic and a student of Christian Science.  I am still a Catholic.

At least the email was sent by phone at 8:15 pm, presumably on Mr. Rumley's own personal time (and not at a city meeting ) - however there are allegations from two mayoral candidates that Rumley have had a private law practice and worked allegedly collecting bills at Somerville District Court on Thursdays. Now that he's receiving 120k plus a year, citizens need to ask if Mr. Rumley is wearing multiple hats, as his own alleged client - Councilor Michael Marks - has accused Rumley of.

Hey, don't blame us, we're just noting that Rumley's own alleged client, Councilor Marks, accused Rumley of this at the city council.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Rick Caraviello <>
To: Mark Rumley <>
Cc: Councillor Paul Camuso <>,,

Date: February 26, 2017 at 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: Defamation

Mark I did see that and some of his latest rantings are getting worse, he now is attacking my business and making serious accusations. You are correct that his attorney should advise him to seek some medical attention. 


It was retaliation and hate.   But what is more alarming is the allegation - and this is an allegation - that a former employee of the Council President's personal business outside of the council allegedly committed suicide.

If the allegation is true, and if Caraviello LOST in a court of law 26 days earlier, does Richard F. Caraviello have the right temperament to be council president by libeling and abusing - giving medical advice - to a citizen who prevailed over Caraviello's fraudulent criminal case, and is Caraviello intentionally inflicting emotional distress on a citizen after Caraviello SLAPPED a frequent speaker at the city council with false charges?


General Laws



Section 5: Investigation of complaints; remediation program; individual profiles; hearing; disciplinary action; immunity; confidentiality; notice; subpoenas; adjudicatory hearing decisions

Section 5. The board shall investigate all complaints relating to the proper practice of medicine by any person holding a certificate of registration under sections two to twelve A, inclusive, or of section sixty-five so far as it relates to medicine and report the same to the proper prosecuting officers.
There shall be established within the board of registration in medicine a disciplinary unit which will be responsible for investigating complaints and prosecuting disciplinary actions against licensees, pursuant to this section. The executive director of the board shall hire such attorneys and investigators as are necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the disciplinary unit.