Wednesday, March 8, 2017

McGlynn / Burke Perceiving Caraviello as Damaged Goods?

Stephanie Muccini-Burke and Mike McGlynn reportedly showed up for Anne Marie Cugno's coming out party.

The undercurrent to this story ?   That Rick Caraviello is damaged goods now that the word is out that he maliciously abused the legal process, malicious prosecution against a citizen that speaks frequently at the city council.

Mike McGlynn would never have been as stupid as to mumble that he's on the list of Top10 SOB's in a court of law.  McGlynn would have feigned outrage and found every way to settle before making an ass of himself in open court the way Caraviello did.

"Have you been called a blowhard" Caraviello was asked in open court.

"Probably" was the blowhard's response.


Richard F. Caraviello is bad for Medford. Reportedly, on the morning of January 31, 2017 at Demet's Donuts, Caraviello allegedly was bragging that he was going to put an innocent man in jail for ten years.

Is that the kind of "public servant" that you want as your council president?

Richard F. Caraviello's sick and twisted behavior goes beyond abusing the Medford Police Department and the office of the District Attorney and the court system.

Caraviello used the court system in a manner in which it is not intended to be used.  

Do you think McGlynn and/or Mrs. Burke want to be around such toxic waste product as Caraviello?

They are DISTANCING themselves from Caraviello but applauding Cugno for Council.

Caraviello is damaged goods, and McGlynn needs to have his designated appointments in at the City Council and the corner office and in the office of the superintendent of schools.

If McGlynn loses control of all three departments, one can only imagine the alleged filth, the alleged dirt, the alleged underhanded slimy dealings that will be uncovered.


Now be logical about this.  If there are the McGlynn Sins that people think there are at Medford Housing Authority, the Library, Public Access TV, the DPW, Sins of McGlynn that allegedly have saturated this community, and your family has had a dynasty for over six decades, would you and your brother say:

IN CARAVIELLO WE TRUST the way Patriots fans say In Bill We Trust?

Richard F. Caraviello is no Bill Belichick.

Caraviello is a totally dishonest, unethical, creepy nuisance that will drag ANY citizen into criminal court on phony charges if a citizen looks into Caraviello's ugly background.

Now it is time that the citizens of Medford find out the truth about the idiot that thinks he is president of the Medford City Council.

There's something there.   This writer has a good idea of what the allegations are, and IF TRUE, there is no way in hell that Cataviello should ever touch a public position ever again.

The evidence in regards to alleged support for Cugno by McGlynn and Burke is a slap in the face to damaged goods Caraviello.

more to follow on this ugly, ugly story about the ugly, ugly individual who thinks he is president of the Medford City Council.

Caraviello's unfortunate and alleged little speech at Demet's on January 31, 2017, if true, is just a deflection as Caraviello should be put into prison and left there to rot for twenty years for abusing the legal system in the way that he did.