Thursday, March 2, 2017


There is no allegedly about it when there is no public access television and the frauds at City Hall silence public participation via underhanded sleight of hand.

Joe Biden defends media, courts from 'dangerous' attacks


Former Vice President Joe Biden offered a strong defense of the media and judicial branch on Wednesday night, calling attacks on both institutions "corrosive" and "dangerous."
While not mentioning President Trump by name, Biden's remarks at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. -- where he was accepting the Patriot Award for political courage and leadership from the Bipartistan Policy Center -- were a thinly veiled reference to the new president's comments and the current state of politics.
"What worries me the most," said Biden, is the "almost drumbeat of denigration of the institutional structures that govern us." (like some fat city council president emailing a man's lawyer with that ignorant, libelous attack on a journalist?) He added, "when you delegitimize the courts, you delegitimize the legislative body. It's corrosive. and it it makes it impossible to reach compromise."