Saturday, March 18, 2017

Shouldn't Father Chip be Hearing their Confessions???


Why did alleged perjurer, Council President Richard F. Caraviello, invite allegedly corrupt police chief Leo A. Sacco, Jr. to room 207?

Are they going to be rooming together at
CEDAR JUNCTION and will Reverend Chip be hearing their confessions there?

Perhaps when they get their stories straight for the confessional.

Oh, Joy, look at what the crooked city council is going to discuss this Tuesday evening in the private little faux "executive session" they have that the public is invited to, but that they do not videotape....hmmmm...should add videotaping to Open Meeting Law.

That's OK, we are going to FACEBOOK LIVE it this Tuesday night.

#16-772  Wage Theft Prevention

Is that like Madame Knight voting herself a pay raise third week after she got into office thanks to the (ahem) allegedly violent unions?