Friday, March 17, 2017

St Fatty's Day Profiles - Mr. Camuso

938,561 @ 12:11 pm

Today we begin to TRIM THE FAT from Medford Politics.

Our first Saint Fatty's Day March 17 Profile, and he certainly deserves it, is the mumbling ex City Council president (not to be confused with the present day mumbling City Council prez...we'll get to him later in the day on this blog!) the one and only (thank God for large favors) Camuso

1)As Council President he called the police to try to remove a citizen or citizens who wanted to speak.  A good police officer said to this writer "What a waste of time."

2)Camuso was dragged in to Room 207 kicking and screaming only to find out...duh duh duh - that the numbskull didn't know a damn thing about the Open Meeting Law.  Yet he, like his suspicious uncle before him, bullied his way into the presidency without the qualifications

3)The idiot at center stage was attempting to remember the name of the Assistant City Solicitor.  It's ok, Medford, he only got about THIRTY TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS of your money and couldn't remember one of the lawyers representing him...

ATTORNEY KIM SCANLON was being "honored" by Camuso and he couldn't remember her name...duh duh duh  ...THE ASSISTANT CITY SOLICITOR.  Very good, Paul, but not good enough for Jeopardy.

Then there's the blurting out the mention of his own son at the council (just like Camuso blurted out that he was in AA, taking away from the speakers,) blaming me when I never mentioned the kid, or would ever do that at the podium, the poor thing's dear old dad did that to him, and did it to him again in December of 2015.

Not only should Mr. Camuso have gotten a LICENSE before he decided to breed, he needed some sensitivity training before using his own child like a rag doll at the city council for his own nefarious purposes.   Camuso did it again in the Boston Globe, just using his own family for political points, and looking like the jackass that he is after doing it.  Of course if the things that he allegedly did to his own grandma BEFORE and AFTER she passed away are true, gruesome as they are, then what can you expect?

Of course can always blame the alcohol.

The oldest excuse.

There's no excuse for Medford having to settle for that moron infecting city politics.

Look, his father-in-law, a respected retired police officer, had Camuso forced on him (there goes the recliner! There goes the food in the fridge) by marriage.  That doesn't mean Medford residents have to have Camuso's fat ass in OUR recliners at City Hall  (photo of Dello Russo falling asleep appropriate here.)

#1 St Fatty's Day Profile: Paul A. Camuso

and you KNOW what the A stands for!

The middle letter in FATHEAD!