Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Attorney David Skerry calls Viglione's lawyer a legal "GENIUS"

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"You have a genius lawyer" David P. Skerry, cousin-by-marriage to Mayor McGlynn proudly said to me after Skerry was defeated in Middlesex Superior Court in the Natalia v Viglione case.

Thank you, David.

And thank you Michael E. Savage.

Savage is brilliant. 
"Natalia take nothing" except a hike back to Foster, Rhode Island.

I will be suing Caraviello, the Medford Police Department, Marian Ryan's DA's office, Edward P. Finn - the city clerk and Medford City Hall in Federal Court for 1.5 million dollars.  Stay tuned for more information on that.   

I will have a different lawyer for that case, one that handles such matters, however, a big thank you to my lawyer Michael E. Savage, called a legal "genius" by Mayor McGlynn's Cousin David P. Skerry.