Friday, March 3, 2017

Bogus Investigation by the Police into the Ed Finn Incident, Incomplete Investigation means the Detective should now be investigated

930,296 @ 12:41 pm

I've heard an allegation that a detective on the Finn case was also accused of NOT doing the job the victim requested in another incident involving a different senior citizen.

What?  Is the Medford Police Department anti-Senior Citizen Stephanie "Pay us $25.00 more if you are over 65" Muccini-Burke???

does incompetence infiltrate the police department like the rats allegedly in the walls?
Hardly, these are smart people. In my opinion some of them violate their oath to protect and serve the citizens and, instead, serve and protect the alleged criminality in the corner office and beyond.


Clerk Finn did NOT do his job.  He must be removed, impeached, investigated and stand trial.

the investigation on Finn should reopen with Medford Police Detective "Jeff Sessions" recusing himself and being investigated by IAB as well.
The Detective in the case, thrown off of the witness stand by a judge on 9/1/16 for being "irrelevant" to that case, mocked me on 9/1/16 in the hallway and said "See you in October" (when his phony and deficient "investigation" put a phony trial on the books.)

The trial was in January and the editor was victorious, prevailing over these individuals who are so fixated on me that they spend all their time reading this blog. 

Required reading by the police department, and all Rumley and Caraviello seem to do for their bloated paychecks: read this blog.

note the information just sent to the Secretary of State's office on the bullies:

Clerk Finn did NOT do his job, claims the dog ate his homework, and Mark E. Rumley could have phoned me when the contract came in.

Instead these overpaid reprobates hide information that was requested legally.