Thursday, March 2, 2017

Letter to my Girlfriend Stephanie!!!!

929,720 @ 10:41 am

Mayor Burke, Issuing Authority
85 George P. Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155

RE: Room 207 Committee of the Whole tapings

Hello Mrs. Burke:

Driving down Route 93 a billboard calls Medford a welcoming community or some such nonsense, the rhetoric from city hall in direct conflict with reality.  Our city solicitor battling with a councilor he is required to represent or an access station denied the citizens with you, Ms. Muccini-Burke, pushing the goal post back like Mike McGlynn on steroids creates an intolerable situation for the cable tv subscribers forking out too much money, and that money invisible after our hard earned cash is siphoned from our checking accounts.

You can, of course, make good on your lofty speeches about inclusion by hiring me, someone you loathe and detest,  to put together proper recordings of the meetings in Room 207 - or Room 207 discussions under the open meeting law can all move to Alden Chambers.  Cease the idiocy of important public meetings held in a cramped room - a sort of quasi "Executive Session" where the fewer citizens who participate, the happier the mayor is, and put them all in Alden Chambers.  Or hire me so that we can make good on your promise of "transparency" which, in 14 months - is as invisible to us as the use of our cable TV franchise fees.

At the 2/28/17 City Council this writer/producer noted that ALL meetings in Room 207 should be videotaped and cablecast for the transparency that you promised us, and that we've yet to see.

Though the poor quality of the videos made in Alden Chambers cannot compare with our neighboring cities and towns, Alden Chambers is still a higher grade than any "Jack Dempsey Special" - the product (if you can call it that) which the overpaid teacher/ /' negligent video person  exhibits as he rules over the high school channel.  Just cease and desist from the Room 207 nonsense and put ALL meetings in the low-fi Alden Chambers 

As you have lied to the constituents about P/E/G access along with other broken promises you made on the 2015 campaign trail, it is obvious that I need to campaign for mayor and explain it to the citizens of Medford.  Is that why we cannot pull papers till June of 2017?   Mayoral candidate Byers informed me that he (allegedly) spoke with former Mayor Dello Russo who believes that this writer can do some "serious damage" on the campaign trail.  Has a nice ring to it, yes?

This citizen is speaking with a number of attorneys about a possible Class Action suit against this city due to the irreparable harm your lies regarding access television have caused. The damage is incalculable.

When you were on the city council, Steph, before the Peter Principle kicked in and you rose to the level of your own incompetence, we were quite cordial to each other.  Let us return to the days of friendliness, you step down from the position that the highly suspicious election installed you to, and let the adults try to quickly repair a city fractured, polarized and besmirched by your inefficiency and self-serving power grab.

Oh, by the way, this is a request to operate the P/E/G access station NOW.  With a van, two cameras, and some computers we can have access TV online yesterday.   Why are you so shy about it, Stephanie?   It's only transparency, transparency that you promised us.

You know my name, look up the number...or come talk with me at a City Council meeting - at the podium.

We can be like Sonny and Cher...

In all seriousness, can you explain where the cable TV funds have gone and why you are dragging your feet on public access television?   Hire me...let's go to Bocelli's...I'll pick up the hard line when Martha Coakley calls, or better still, have her join us.