Saturday, March 4, 2017

Muccini-Burke/McGlynn Access TV Ripoff

930.711 @ 10:50 am
930,670 @ 9:50 am
930,645 @ 9:24 am
930,627 @ 8:36 am
21,047 last 30 days
69,373 to one million page views
69,357 to one million page views 9:24 am
69,332 to One Million Page Views
What we've seen in the shady dealings with our Access TV monies is exactly how Muccini-Burke, Police Chief Sacco, Mark E. Rumley and the dark "Godfather" of Medford, Mike McGlynn handle our money

As if it were their own.

That stops now as we initiate the look into finances at P/E/G access and the Medford Housing Authority...just for starters.... 

Burke's Administration is so much like Trump's that it is scary.  Human rights violations when they drag an innocent man into criminal court over a public record's request about bomb-sniffing dogs and a varsity coach who purportedly let his doggy crawl out of the window and in to the La La Crosse-Crochet team ...allegedly

some people do not realize how traitorous Donald Trump is, they just eat up the fake faux news. Hasn't anyone noticed that when Trump says "the election is rigged" it is self inoculation since the Russians rigged it for him, and that when he says the media is bad it is because the media is investigating him? Trump is a smart man and a TV star, he was able to find that the phrase attributed to PT Barnum - there's a sucker born every minute - worked to his advantage as well. But this is OUR country, not the land of Trump, and at least Nixon was crafty enough to get caught in his second term before we fumigated the White House