Thursday, December 10, 2015

Medford School Committee's George Scarpelli Sued for Civil Rights Violation

554,384 @ 12:38 pm
554,379 @ 12:30 pm

Ongoing series on stolen election of 2015
and the seedy individuals in control of the Medford government 

When, not "if," George Scarpelli cuts a deal to admit "no wrongdoing" and pay off the citizen whose civil rights were violated, there will still be other victims of Scarpelli legislating in Medford: the citizens who live in this city! 

What a proud moment for Medford, esteemed Mr. Rumley, when you have a school committee person out in Western Massachusetts not only supervising the young adults improperly, but then Scarpelli gets sued because a 17 year old believes his civil rights were violated and that he was falsely accused.

What's Scarpelli going to do for his next trick? Slide through a job for promotions at Medford High School with money that we don't have to satisfy Mayor McGlynn's new war with Stephanie Muccini-Burke.

"A lateral move" is what Councilor Marks called it in outrage at the 12/8/15 City Council.

Remember Donald Sutherland in the film DISCLOSURE (love that name; apply it to Medford)
".... a lateral move to Austin is like a duck making a lateral move to 'a l'orange'".

  If you are too dense to get it, Duck L'orange means the death of the duck

The $1 million suit alleges that Mayor Joseph Curtatone, Anthony Pierantozzi, the school district’s superintendent at the time, and soccer coach George Scarpelli violated Mondol’s civil rights by engaging in a zealous campaign to have him arrested, and manipulating witnesses and victims into giving misleading statements to police.

So the corruption in Medford continues unabated, the McGlynn money grab, the Muccini-Burke power grab, a school committee with John Falco and George Scarpelli that did nothing when Jenna Tarabelsi and "Dan" allegedly did their thing.

Will we find more teachers have had sex with students at Medford High School under Roy Belson and Michael J. McGlynn and Stephanie Muccini-Burke?

Put it this way: when disgusting Fred Dello Russo takes off for Vegas again ask him to place a bet for you on it.

On second thought don't do that. Fly to Vegas yourself.  Dello Russo was dishonest with Rick Caraviello, dishonest as a Council President, do you want a dishonest Fred Dello Russo, Jr. walking out of Vegas with your winning bet?

It's a free for all in Medford, and they are destroying the city as they rape it, as brutally raped with a broomstick up the derriere as a 16 year old victim under George Scarpelli's neglectful watch. 

Separated at Birth
Scarpelli l'orange ...the death of a city if
George Scarpelli continues to be another vote for Mayor McGlynn's malfeasance
 Scarpelli is two for two: Curtatone and McGlynn

 YOU are being VICTIMIZED by these non-elected officials who claim they won the votes and won the election.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation needs to step in and clean up the mess.