Tuesday, December 1, 2015

STOLEN ELECTION IN MEDFORD Letter to the FBI and Inspector General on Stolen Election 2015

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Dear Readers:

This is just a portion of a massive letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and to the Inspector General's office about the fraudulent 2015 Election

Just a portion of it.


On July 7, 2015 I wrote to the FBI about being assaulted by Ed Finn, the City Clerk, verbally and physically, on June 16, 2015.  Assistant Solicitor Kim Scanlon has the e mail

On October 21, 2015 Joe Viglione wrote this to Roy Belson and Mark Rumley:

Enough is enough.  They run Medford like a bunch of gangsters.  I believe Rumley and McGlynn with that violent clerk Ed Finn want to steal the election.  I believe that with every fiber of my being.  Mark Rumley Cannot Be Trusted.
Now on December 1, 2015 I can quote a famous movie:

"It's good to be right"
Al Pacino, The Devil's Advocate

On October 15, 2015, Middlesex Superior Court Assistant Clerk Brian Sullivan, husband of Stephanie Muccini-Burke, illegally threw people out of the front row and used the word
"Motherfucker" in front of women and senior citizens, with many witnesses. The candidates had agreed on having rows 2 and 3 on October 14th, not the front row, so Mr. Burke issued
the vulgarity, in violation of the canon of ethics for court clerks, in front of a news gatherer (me,) in front of a former candidate for mayor; in front of a candidate for mayor's wife.

On October 27, 2015 I alerted Maura Healy, the Attorney General,and the FBI that McGlynn would steal the election

"I fear that the votes could possibly be tampered with given the level of physical and verbal abuse coming from the Muccini-Burke camp which is working with the McGlynn Administration."
The same day as my e mail to Maura Healy, Healy - in an amazing conflict of interest - is noted in the media as endorsing Muccini-Burke

Search Results

AG Maura Healey Endorses Burke for Mayor ...

Oct 27, 2015 - Mayoral candidate Stephanie Muccini Burke has received the endorsement of Attorney General Maura Healey, joining a growing list of ...
On Sunday, November 29, 2015, we got nonsense about Mayor McGlynn being honest by the not very credible  Mark E. Rumley, the highly conflicted City Solicitor
caught using a taxpayer funded e mail on the Immaculate Conception Church website in his role as "Deacon," allegedly suspended or given a vacation by Al Capone, the current monsignor with a celebrated gangster's name (you can't even make this stuff up
it is so lurid,) allegations that Rumley and others were making a mockery of the church until Al Capone stepped in (what a statement by the Archdiocese, n'est ce pas?)

When I asked Governor Deval Patrick to remove the Mayor's uncle, Eugene McGillicuddy, from the board of the embattled Medford Housing Authority he did. Now why is that?
My videocamera not only caught "Uncle Gene" - as we used to call him at TV3 when the Mayor sent his uncle in to watch alleged malfeasance at TV3 in the 1990s fessing up that he was an appointment of the governor, it caught Bob Covelle, the reprobate, in all his nervousness,
his leg shaking doing the "Mystic River Two Step" which is the McGlynn Malfeasance Dance that citizens have had the unfortunate opportunity to witness

Watch my video

I've done the hard work and heavy lifting.  There is this trail of breadcrumbs for the FBI and the Inspector General - the Medford 2015 election was stolen, Solicitor
Mark E. Rumley was fawning all over the gangster McGlynn - the real-life Al Capone, and the media is silent on it.

There are only 46 mayors in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

people in other cities and towns can't name them, they don't even know how many mayors there are.   So the opportunity for malfeasance is quite real as these forty-six fly under the radar from city to city, the residents of towns usually unaware of how cities they are neighbors with conduct affairs that have an effect on them.

There's Rumley on Sunday, that charlatan (another resident just called him a plain old FRAUD) slobbering over McGlynn as being "honest."  McGlynn is dishonest.

Where is the report from Maura Healy's office on Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.

Do you think an honest mayor would steal cable tv subscriber monies to pay three teacher salaries, including the salary of the editor of Inside Medford, celebrating the Sunday fiasco with photos and McGlynn's entire speech.

This news outlet, Inside Medford, is edited and published by a teacher paid for with P/E/G access TV monies while there is no P/E/G access. How does it help the community when it is a dog and pony show for Mayor McGlynn, no opposing point of views allowed

I predicted that the election would be stolen. And there was McGlynn sneaking around the Firefighter's Club at 7:58 pm doing something strange for a few minutes? What was the retiring mayor doing?  Mayor Menino didn't pull that stunt when he retired, what was
crooked McGlynn up to?  Why did a chip at a voting machine turn out to be faulty? What the heck is going on?

Why no access TV?  Why did they hold a news story on the theft of money at the McGlynn School until a few hours AFTER the fraud election was over?  Why didn't
Roy Belson answer the question about a teacher no longer at the school after June 30, 2015 and did he sleep with or have sex with a student and was that student
the daughter of a candidate?

Why so much sex scandal at Medford High School, including Jenna Tarabelsi, the disgraced teacher now allegedly in Italy fleeing prosecution.


Why does the news media not cover this ugly story?  Could it be that lobbyist Jack McGlynn, Mayor McGlynn's older brother, is too terrifying a thought for the
news media?  Why did Steve South, son in law of former special sheriff John Granara, a member of Local 25, lurking around the DPW?  Councilor Adam Knight and
Muccini-Burke not giving the blood money back to Local 25?  Sean O'Brien's threats known to the public, yet he endorsed Muccini-Burke.

There's a huge lawsuit here that should be filed against the city of Medford.

It is a fraud election. It was fraudulent. 

This journalist said it before the election happened, a prediction Jeane Dixon's crystal ball would be proud to have conjured up.  But sadly, it was no crystal ball conjuring, it was a logical conclusion from studying years of public records requests and seeing
Michael J. McGlynn's flagrant malfeasance in action.

The McGlynn Media Blackout and the stolen votes cost the citizens of Medford.

Robert M. Penta got the votes, but the referees stole the game from the Patriots on Sunday night, and Mark E. Rumley and Ed Finn were involved in this massive scam,
this massive voter fraud in Medford, with Maura Healy shamefully endorsing the unqualified, not-ready-for-prime-time duck out of water, Stephanie Muccini-Burke

And the Public Charities division REFUSING to give us information on Medford Community Cablevision and the missing monies, just in time to swipe access TV from Election 2015

No transparency.   This writer put in the ONE PROPOSAL for access TV under McGlynn's strict censorship guidelines.  McGlynn decided not to have any transparency and  fraudulently took the cable subscriber monies and refused to let us have our access TV

What will the FBI and Inspector General and Carmen Ortiz do about it?


Joe Viglione   

----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Joeviglione <joeviglione@xxxxx>
To: Roy Belson <rbelson@medford.xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: Great Debate MUST be on High School Channel

Thank you Roy

I pay for access TV and stand by my statements

Play the debate on a channel I pay for

Thank you


Letters to Roy Belson and Assistant Solicitor Kim Scanlon also provided the news media and the FBI